Basic Trigger
// trigger name "addcompanyname" on "user" (sobject)
trigger addcompanyname on User (before insert) {
//for every user in do whats in the bracket (known as loop)
for (User thisuser : {
//companyname field is apre ltd (is possible to add more values)
thisuser.companyname = 'aspre ltd';
trigger - starting point for all triggers
addcompanyname - name of trigger can be anything
user - sobject for a full list of standard salesforce objects and for a full list of object refeence
before insert - trigger will fire before record inserted/created in database for list of trigger operations
thisuser - variable that represent each specific user in the loop as it iterates one by one across all users in the list -returns a list of the new versions of the sObject recordsthat are captured in trigger. this list only available in insert/update triggers and record can only be changed in before triggers for list of trigger context variables
Unit Test for basic trigger
every trigger requires a unit test to push code from sandbox to production -Salesforce requires at least 75% of your code to be “tested” before deploying
tests what the code should do
//all tests start with @isTest
//this line defines the class method access and name (for tests below will never chnge)
public class test_addcompanyname
static testMethod void insertNewUser() {
// how to instantiate new user
User userToCreate = new User();
// create all mandatory fields
userToCreate.FirstName = 'Iain';
userToCreate.LastName = 'Banks';
userToCreate.Email = '';
userToCreate.Username = '';
userToCreate.Alias = 'ilearnapex';
userToCreate.ProfileId = '00ei0000000rTfp';
userToCreate.TimeZoneSidKey = 'America/Denver';
userToCreate.LocaleSidKey = 'en_US';
userToCreate.EmailEncodingKey = 'UTF-8';
userToCreate.LanguageLocaleKey = 'en_US';
// we explicitly insert our user into our Salesforce database using this DML code otherwise it will not eneter the dsatabase
insert userToCreate;
@isTest – this tells Salesforce we’re writing test code
test_addcompanyname - name of test class
testMethod – this tells Salesforce once again that we’re doing a test
insertNewUser – the name we gave our test method.
User – the API name of any Salesforce sObject, in this case, the standard User object.
userToCreate – the variable we named to store our user record.
’00ei0000000rTfp’ – this is the ID of the profile we’ll give to our user. Note that your org will have different IDs. 15-digit record IDs can be found in the URL of any record. Like text, IDs need to be wrapped in single quotes.
insert – the DML statement to “create” a record in an org. The record only exists in our code until we save it using DML.
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