Sunday, 11 September 2016
Apex - Usefull trigger to maintain the relationship between custom objects related to Lead to Account/Contact/Opp after Lead Conversion
trigger LeadConvertCustomObjects on Lead (before update) {
//This trigger will associate Custom Object records with the Account, Contact, and/or opportunity associated to the
//lead after it has been converted.
//The Custom Object is associated to an opportunity only if an opportunity record exist on the Lead.
for (Integer i = 0; i <; i++){
if ([i].IsConverted == true && Trigger.old[i].isConverted == false){
Set<Id> leadIds = new Set<Id>();
for (Lead lead :
Map<Id, DocuSign_Account__c> entries_DSA = new Map<Id, DocuSign_Account__c>([select Account__c, Lead__c from DocuSign_Account__c where lead__c in :leadIds]);
if(! {
for (Lead lead : {
for (DocuSign_Account__c DSA : entries_DSA.values()) {
if (DSA.Lead__c == lead.Id) {
// DSA.contact__c = lead.ConvertedContactId;
// DSA.opportunity__c = lead.ConvertedOpportunityId;
DSA.account__c = lead.ConvertedAccountId;
update DSA;
// break;
Map<Id, DocuSign_Account_Member__c> entries_DSAM = new Map<Id, DocuSign_Account_Member__c>([select Contact__c, Lead__c from DocuSign_Account_Member__c where lead__c in :leadIds]);
if(! {
for (Lead lead : {
for (DocuSign_Account_Member__c DSAM : entries_DSAM.values()) {
if (DSAM.Lead__c == lead.Id) {
DSAM.Contact__c = lead.ConvertedContactId;
// DSAM.opportunity__c = lead.ConvertedOpportunityId;
// DSAM.account__c = lead.ConvertedAccountId;
update DSAM;
// break;
Map<Id, Use_Case__c> entries_UC = new Map<Id, Use_Case__c>([select Account__c, Lead__c from Use_Case__c where lead__c in :leadIds]);
if(! {
for (Lead lead : {
for (Use_Case__c UC : entries_UC.values()) {
if (UC.Lead__c == lead.Id) {
// UC.contact__c = lead.ConvertedContactId;
// UC.opportunity__c = lead.ConvertedOpportunityId;
UC.account__c = lead.ConvertedAccountId;
update UC;
// break;
Map<Id, Ecosystem__c> entries_ECO = new Map<Id, Ecosystem__c>([select Account__c, Lead__c from Ecosystem__c where lead__c in :leadIds]);
if(! {
for (Lead lead : {
for (Ecosystem__c ECO : entries_ECO.values()) {
if (ECO.Lead__c == lead.Id) {
// ECO.contact__c = lead.ConvertedContactId;
// ECO.opportunity__c = lead.ConvertedOpportunityId;
ECO.account__c = lead.ConvertedAccountId;
update ECO;
// break;
Map<Id, Partner_Influence__c> entries_PI = new Map<Id, Partner_Influence__c>([select Account__c, Lead__c from Partner_Influence__c where lead__c in :leadIds]);
if(! {
for (Lead lead : {
for (Partner_Influence__c PI : entries_PI.values()) {
if (PI.Lead__c == lead.Id) {
// PI.contact__c = lead.ConvertedContactId;
PI.opportunity__c = lead.ConvertedOpportunityId;
PI.account__c = lead.ConvertedAccountId;
update PI;
// break;
Map<Id, Qualification_Credit__c> entries_QC = new Map<Id, Qualification_Credit__c>([select Account__c, Lead__c from Qualification_Credit__c where lead__c in :leadIds]);
if(! {
for (Lead lead : {
for (Qualification_Credit__c QC : entries_QC.values()) {
if (QC.Lead__c == lead.Id) {
// QC.contact__c = lead.ConvertedContactId;
QC.opportunity__c = lead.ConvertedOpportunityId;
QC.account__c = lead.ConvertedAccountId;
update QC;
// break;
//This is a test case for a situation where a lead will be converted. The developer must explicitly call the convert lead
//method to simulate the user action.
private class TestLeadConvertCustomObjects {
static testMethod void TestReferralUpdate() {
// Insert the Lead
List<Lead> leads = new List<Lead>();
Lead leadt = new Lead (FirstName ='fname', LastName ='test', Company ='myCompany');
insert leadt;
// Insert the DocuSign_Account__c Record
DocuSign_Account__c DSA = new DocuSign_Account__c (Lead__c = leadt.Id);
insert DSA;
// Insert the DocuSign_Account_Member__c Record
DocuSign_Account_Member__c DSAM = new DocuSign_Account_Member__c (Lead__c = leadt.Id, DocuSign_Account__c = DSA.Id);
insert DSAM;
// Insert the Use_Case__c Record
Use_Case__c UC = new Use_Case__c (Lead__c = leadt.Id, Department__c='Legal', Use_Case__c='NDAs', Status__c='Interest');
insert UC;
// Insert a Partner Account Record with a Partner Go To Market to relate Ecosystem & Partner Influence to
Account PartnerAccount = new Account (Name='PartnerAccount', Partner_Go_To_Market_Count_Active__c=1);
insert PartnerAccount;
Partner_Go_To_Market__c PGTM = new Partner_Go_To_Market__c (Name='PartnerGoToMarket', Account__c = PartnerAccount.Id, GTM_Status__c='Agreement Signed');
insert PGTM;
// Insert the Ecosystem__c Record
Ecosystem__c ECO = new Ecosystem__c (Lead__c = leadt.Id, Partner__c = PartnerAccount.Id, Ecosystem_Type__c='CRM', Integration__c='Not Integrated');
insert ECO;
// Insert the Partner_Influence__c Record
Partner_Influence__c PI = new Partner_Influence__c (Lead__c = leadt.Id, Partner__c = PartnerAccount.Id, Role__c='Influencer', Influence_Type__c='Neutral');
insert PI;
// Insert the Qualification_Credit__c Record
Qualification_Credit__c QC = new Qualification_Credit__c (Lead__c = leadt.Id, Status__c='Qualified');
insert QC;
//Convert the Lead
Database.LeadConvert lc = new database.LeadConvert();
LeadStatus convertStatus = [Select Id, MasterLabel from LeadStatus where MasterLabel='Contact Created Only' AND IsConverted=true limit 1];
Database.LeadConvertResult lcr = Database.convertLead(lc);
//Requery for the referral record to see if it is updated
DocuSign_Account__c ref_upd_DSA = [select Account__c from DocuSign_Account__c where Lead__c = :leadt.Id];
DocuSign_Account_Member__c ref_upd_DSAM = [select Contact__c from DocuSign_Account_Member__c where Lead__c = :leadt.Id];
Use_Case__c ref_upd_UC = [select Account__c from Use_Case__c where Lead__c = :leadt.Id];
Ecosystem__c ref_upd_ECO = [select Account__c from Ecosystem__c where Lead__c = :leadt.Id];
Partner_Influence__c ref_upd_PI = [select Account__c, Opportunity__c from Partner_Influence__c where Lead__c = :leadt.Id];
Qualification_Credit__c ref_upd_QC = [select Account__c, Opportunity__c, Contact__c from Qualification_Credit__c where Lead__c = :leadt.Id];
//Check that the test passed
System.assertEquals(ref_upd_DSA.Account__c,[Select ConvertedAccountId From Lead Where Id = :DSA.Lead__c].ConvertedAccountId);
System.assertEquals(ref_upd_DSAM.Contact__c,[Select ConvertedContactId From Lead Where Id = :DSAM.Lead__c].ConvertedContactId);
System.assertEquals(ref_upd_UC.Account__c,[Select ConvertedAccountId From Lead Where Id = :UC.Lead__c].ConvertedAccountId);
System.assertEquals(ref_upd_ECO.Account__c,[Select ConvertedAccountId From Lead Where Id = :ECO.Lead__c].ConvertedAccountId);
System.assertEquals(ref_upd_PI.Account__c,[Select ConvertedAccountId From Lead Where Id = :PI.Lead__c].ConvertedAccountId);
System.assertEquals(ref_upd_QC.Account__c,[Select ConvertedAccountId From Lead Where Id = :QC.Lead__c].ConvertedAccountId);
System.assertEquals(ref_upd_QC.Contact__c,[Select ConvertedContactId From Lead Where Id = :QC.Lead__c].ConvertedContactId);
System.assertEquals(ref_upd_PI.Opportunity__c,[Select ConvertedOpportunityId From Lead Where Id = :PI.Lead__c].ConvertedOpportunityId);
System.assertEquals(ref_upd_QC.Opportunity__c,[Select ConvertedOpportunityId From Lead Where Id = :QC.Lead__c].ConvertedOpportunityId);
//Test if no opty is created
string NoOpty = 'Y';
if (NoOpty =='Y'){
Lead leadto = new Lead (FirstName ='fnameo', LastName ='testo', Company ='myCompanyo');
insert leadto;
// Insert the custom object record
// CustomObject__c customobjecto = new CustomObject__c (Lead__c = leadto.Id);
// insert customobjecto;
// Insert the DocuSign_Account__c Record
DocuSign_Account__c DSAo = new DocuSign_Account__c (Lead__c = leadto.Id);
insert DSAo;
// Insert the DocuSign_Account_Member__c Record
DocuSign_Account_Member__c DSAMo = new DocuSign_Account_Member__c (Lead__c = leadto.Id, DocuSign_Account__c = DSAo.Id);
insert DSAMo;
// Insert the Use_Case__c Record
Use_Case__c UCo = new Use_Case__c (Lead__c = leadto.Id, Department__c='Legal', Use_Case__c='NDAs', Status__c='Interest');
insert UCo;
// Insert a Partner Account Record with a Partner Go To Market to relate Ecosystem & Partner Influence to
Account PartnerAccounto = new Account (Name='PartnerAccounto', Partner_Go_To_Market_Count_Active__c=1);
insert PartnerAccounto;
Partner_Go_To_Market__c PGTMo = new Partner_Go_To_Market__c (Name='PartnerGoToMarketo', Account__c = PartnerAccounto.Id, GTM_Status__c='Agreement Signed');
insert PGTMo;
// Insert the Ecosystem__c Record
Ecosystem__c ECOo = new Ecosystem__c (Lead__c = leadto.Id, Partner__c = PartnerAccounto.Id, Ecosystem_Type__c='CRM', Integration__c='Not Integrated');
insert ECOo;
// Insert the Partner_Influence__c Record
Partner_Influence__c PIo = new Partner_Influence__c (Lead__c = leadto.Id, Partner__c = PartnerAccounto.Id, Role__c='Influencer', Influence_Type__c='Neutral');
insert PIo;
// Insert the Qualification_Credit__c Record
Qualification_Credit__c QCo = new Qualification_Credit__c (Lead__c = leadto.Id, Status__c='Qualified');
insert QCo;
Database.LeadConvert lco = new database.LeadConvert();
LeadStatus convertStatuso = [Select Id, MasterLabel from LeadStatus where MasterLabel='Contact Created Only' AND IsConverted=true limit 1];
Database.LeadConvertResult lcro = Database.convertLead(lco);
DocuSign_Account__c ref_updo_DSA = [select Account__c from DocuSign_Account__c where Lead__c = :leadto.Id];
DocuSign_Account_Member__c ref_updo_DSAM = [select Contact__c from DocuSign_Account_Member__c where Lead__c = :leadto.Id];
Use_Case__c ref_updo_UC = [select Account__c from Use_Case__c where Lead__c = :leadto.Id];
Ecosystem__c ref_updo_ECO = [select Account__c from Ecosystem__c where Lead__c = :leadto.Id];
Partner_Influence__c ref_updo_PI = [select Account__c, Opportunity__c from Partner_Influence__c where Lead__c = :leadto.Id];
Qualification_Credit__c ref_updo_QC = [select Account__c, Opportunity__c, Contact__c from Qualification_Credit__c where Lead__c = :leadto.Id];
//Check that the test passed
System.assertEquals(ref_updo_DSA.Account__c,[Select ConvertedAccountId From Lead Where Id = :DSAo.Lead__c].ConvertedAccountId);
System.assertEquals(ref_updo_DSAM.Contact__c,[Select ConvertedContactId From Lead Where Id = :DSAMo.Lead__c].ConvertedContactId);
System.assertEquals(ref_updo_UC.Account__c,[Select ConvertedAccountId From Lead Where Id = :UCo.Lead__c].ConvertedAccountId);
System.assertEquals(ref_updo_ECO.Account__c,[Select ConvertedAccountId From Lead Where Id = :ECOo.Lead__c].ConvertedAccountId);
System.assertEquals(ref_updo_PI.Account__c,[Select ConvertedAccountId From Lead Where Id = :PIo.Lead__c].ConvertedAccountId);
System.assertEquals(ref_updo_QC.Account__c,[Select ConvertedAccountId From Lead Where Id = :QCo.Lead__c].ConvertedAccountId);
System.assertEquals(ref_updo_QC.Contact__c,[Select ConvertedContactId From Lead Where Id = :QCo.Lead__c].ConvertedContactId);
System.assertEquals(ref_updo_PI.Opportunity__c,[Select ConvertedOpportunityId From Lead Where Id = :PIo.Lead__c].ConvertedOpportunityId);
System.assertEquals(ref_updo_QC.Opportunity__c,[Select ConvertedOpportunityId From Lead Where Id = :QCo.Lead__c].ConvertedOpportunityId);
// System.assert(ref_updo__DSA.Opportunity__c == null);
static testMethod void testBulkUpdate() {
List<Lead> leads = new List<Lead>();
for (Integer i=0;i<5;i++) {
Lead l = new Lead (FirstName ='bulk', LastName ='Test', Company ='myCompanyo');
insert l;
// Insert the Custom Record
DocuSign_Account__c DSAr = new DocuSign_Account__c (Lead__c = l.Id);
insert DSAr;
DocuSign_Account_Member__c DSAMr = new DocuSign_Account_Member__c (Lead__c = l.Id, DocuSign_Account__c = DSAr.Id);
insert DSAMr;
// Insert the Use_Case__c Record
Use_Case__c UCr = new Use_Case__c (Lead__c = l.Id, Department__c='Legal', Use_Case__c='NDAs', Status__c='Interest');
insert UCr;
// Insert a Partner Account Record with a Partner Go To Market to relate Ecosystem & Partner Influence to
Account PartnerAccountr = new Account (Name='PartnerAccountBulk', Partner_Go_To_Market_Count_Active__c=1);
insert PartnerAccountr;
Partner_Go_To_Market__c PGTMr = new Partner_Go_To_Market__c (Name='PartnerGoToMarketBulk', Account__c = PartnerAccountr.Id, GTM_Status__c='Agreement Signed');
insert PGTMr;
// Insert the Ecosystem__c Record
Ecosystem__c ECOr = new Ecosystem__c (Lead__c = l.Id, Partner__c = PartnerAccountr.Id, Ecosystem_Type__c='CRM', Integration__c='Not Integrated');
insert ECOr;
// Insert the Partner_Influence__c Record
Partner_Influence__c PIr = new Partner_Influence__c (Lead__c = l.Id, Partner__c = PartnerAccountr.Id, Role__c='Influencer', Influence_Type__c='Neutral');
insert PIr;
// Insert the Qualification_Credit__c Record
Qualification_Credit__c QCr = new Qualification_Credit__c (Lead__c = l.Id, Status__c='Qualified');
insert QCr;
//Convert the Lead
Database.LeadConvert lcb = new database.LeadConvert();
LeadStatus convertStatusb = [Select Id, MasterLabel from LeadStatus where MasterLabel='Contact Created Only' AND IsConverted=true limit 1];
Database.LeadConvertResult lcrb = Database.convertLead(lcb);
DocuSign_Account__c bulkup_DSA = [select Account__c from DocuSign_Account__c where Lead__c =:l.Id];
DocuSign_Account_Member__c bulkup_DSAM = [select Contact__c from DocuSign_Account_Member__c where Lead__c =:l.Id];
Use_Case__c bulkup_UC = [select Account__c from Use_Case__c where Lead__c = :l.Id];
Ecosystem__c bulkup_ECO = [select Account__c from Ecosystem__c where Lead__c = :l.Id];
Partner_Influence__c bulkup_PI = [select Account__c, Opportunity__c from Partner_Influence__c where Lead__c = :l.Id];
Qualification_Credit__c bulkup_QC = [select Account__c, Opportunity__c, Contact__c from Qualification_Credit__c where Lead__c = :l.Id];
//Check that the test has passed
System.assertEquals(bulkup_DSA.Account__c,[Select ConvertedAccountId From Lead Where Id = :DSAr.Lead__c].ConvertedAccountId);
System.assertEquals(bulkup_DSAM.Contact__c,[Select ConvertedContactId From Lead Where Id = :DSAMr.Lead__c].ConvertedContactId);
System.assertEquals(bulkup_UC.Account__c,[Select ConvertedAccountId From Lead Where Id = :UCr.Lead__c].ConvertedAccountId);
System.assertEquals(bulkup_ECO.Account__c,[Select ConvertedAccountId From Lead Where Id = :ECOr.Lead__c].ConvertedAccountId);
System.assertEquals(bulkup_PI.Account__c,[Select ConvertedAccountId From Lead Where Id = :PIr.Lead__c].ConvertedAccountId);
System.assertEquals(bulkup_QC.Account__c,[Select ConvertedAccountId From Lead Where Id = :QCr.Lead__c].ConvertedAccountId);
System.assertEquals(bulkup_QC.Contact__c,[Select ConvertedContactId From Lead Where Id = :QCr.Lead__c].ConvertedContactId);
System.assertEquals(bulkup_PI.Opportunity__c,[Select ConvertedOpportunityId From Lead Where Id = :PIr.Lead__c].ConvertedOpportunityId);
System.assertEquals(bulkup_QC.Opportunity__c,[Select ConvertedOpportunityId From Lead Where Id = :QCr.Lead__c].ConvertedOpportunityId);
// System.assertEquals(bulkup.Opportunity__c,[Select ConvertedOpportunityId From Lead Where Id = :r.Lead__c].ConvertedOpportunityId);
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